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Enhancing Recruitment Campaigns: The Critical Importance of Email Verification

Email Verification

Why Should Recruiters Verify their Emails?   

Most recruiters have bad emails on their lists. Business can achieve better performance, improve candidates campaign measurement, and protect your lists from sudden derailment by verifying contacts emails. Bounced, undelivered messaging, or campaign to an unverified list could result in some unfortunate consequences.

  • Account Suspension: Internet service providers, spam monitors, and email security services all set thresholds for spam complaints, undelivered messages, and
    unsubscribes. If businesses use stale or unmanaged list, their account will be suspended and emails blacklisted.
  • Dismal Marketing Results: Sending an email to a lot of invalid addresses does not establish connections, rather than hurt deliverability. A high bounce rate will adversely affect campaign metrics.
  • Wasted Money: Maintaining invalid email addresses in the system is a recurring waste of precious marketing dollars.

What Advantages Can Be Gained by Removing Invalid Email Addresses from Your Database?

  • 37.5% of customer data becomes obsolete — that includes email addresses.
  • Decaying data happens naturally – 1 in 5 employees voluntarily changed jobs in 2020.

How often must email be verified?

  • At least once every two months: Many email nurture campaigns last slightly shorter than eight weeks. Conducting bi-monthly verification of your email list ensures the removal of any invalid or incorrect addresses in advance of your upcoming email campaign.
  • Before initiating a campaign: Identify and remove invalid addresses from any recent list- building campaign.
  • Real-time verification: To maintain the integrity of your email list, it’s crucial to verify that new subscribers provide accurate and complete email addresses. Implementing real-time email verification can safeguard your list against errors and fraudulent accounts.

What are the reasons for stale email lists?

  • Not maintaining a verified list – As new subscribers sign up through website forms, landing pages, demo requests, or various other lead magnets, it’s essential to track these incoming submissions.
  • List with potentially risky types of emails: Role-based addresses and temporary addresses. Refers to email ids set up to handle an organization’s generic inquiries or issues. Examples – sales@, support@, or info@. These emails may be managed by several people across different departments and result in a high complaint rate.
  • Temporary or Disposable – Created by users to conceal their identity. Temporary addresses are valid and active only for a while.

How to Conduct Email Verification and the Price Tag for These Services?

You can sign up for Zero Bounce Connect for Zoho Recruit and follow the instructions.

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